peripheries in parallax
OPENING CONFERENCE + ART EVENTFriday 22 January 2021 at 10:00–16:00
Zoom links available via ‘registration‘.

Paola Balla
is a Wemba-Wemba & Gunditjmara artist, curator, arts worker, writer & academic. A Lisa Bellear Indigenous Research Scholar PhD Candidate at Moondani Balluk, VU, Paola focuses on Aboriginal women’s resistance & disruption of patriarchy & colonialism. Paola’s visual practice is about narrative realms & Aboriginal women’s stories. A regular speaker in museum, gallery, education & community spaces she is also published internationally. In 2016 Paola co-curated Sovereignty & in 2017 Unfinished Business, perspectives on art and feminism, both at ACCA. Paola’s a member of Blak Brow Collective who edited Blak Brow, women’s edition of The Lifted Brow, 2018.
Rebecca Hilton
(1964-) is an Australian born artist living in Sweden where she is a Professor of Choreography for the research area SITE EVENT ENCOUNTER at the Stockholm University of the Arts. Her practices and interests include dancing, performing, choreographing, teaching, writing and conversation. Working with concepts and experiences of GROUPNESS, her research manifests as a series of experiments, events and artifacts exploring relationships between embodied practices, oral traditions and choreographic systems. Her research environments include universities, dance companies, hospitals, shopping malls, community-run organisations, friendship circles and family groups. She is currently an artistic researcher in residence at the Malarbacken Residential Elder Care Centre as part of DöBra (Good Death), a decade-long, Sweden-wide research program exploring relationships to death and dying in Sweden.
Jaakko Ruuska
is a doctoral student of Visual Art in the University of the Arts Helsinki (UNIARTS). His interdisciplinary practice is based in documentarism, consisting of filmmaking, performing arts and visual arts. He holds a Master of Arts in Documentary Filmmaking (Aalto-university, 2012).Since 2009 Ruuska has been a member of the live art collective: Other spaces.
Liisa Ikonen
is a scenographer and the PI of Floating Peripheries – Mediating the Sense of Place artistic research project. She has worked throughout her 25–year career in both experimental and institutional fields of performing arts, and she has developed scenographic working methods through several site specific performances in non-institutional found spaces in urban environment.
Harri Laakso
is Associate Professor of Photography Research. He works mainly in the Department of Media but also in the Department of Art and Department of Film, Television and Scenography. Previously he worked as Professor of Visual Culture and Art at Aalto University for 12 years. His primary research interests are photographic images and theory, artistic research and word/image relations. He has led many research projects, including “Figures of Touch” (2009-2012).
Maiju Loukola
is University lecturer in the Doctoral Programme in Fine Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in University of the Arts Helsinki. She worked as a Postdoctoral researcher at Aalto University (Aalto ARTS) School of Arts, Design and Architecture during 2015–2020. Her primary research interests are politics of space, site and situation related practice, urban space, artistic research and visual culture theories.
Anette Arlander
is an Artist, researcher and a pedagogue, and one of the pioneers of Finnish performance art and a trailblazer of artistic research. Graduated from the department of directing at the Theatre Academy 1981, Doctor of Arts (Theatre and Drama) 1999. Professor of Performance Art and Theory at Theatre Academy 2001-2013. Professor of artistic research at University of the Arts Helsinki 2015-16. Professor in performance, art and theory at Stockholm University of the Arts 2018-2019. AVEK, Media Art Prize 2014, State Prize for Multidisciplinary art 2018.
Gianluigi Biagini
>>I’m a transdisciplinary “anartist” exploring political concepts through percepts achieved by non-linear sensory processes. I run my percepts through the shadow of the excluded middle in an intensive flow of experience, as a sort of political shaman that plays with difference in the city play-ground. My becoming, or better the becoming of my avatar, the Anartist (Anarchist Artist), unfolds a political tension through an a-modal expression that forms a refrain, an aesthetic territory that repeats and differs in a will of power at the borders of Capitalism and its outside. The emerging refrain forms a singularity of expression activated by the limit-potential of Capitalism. The art of the Anartist is sensorial, conceptual, performative, theoretical, mystic; pushing the situations in urban space to the line of deterritorialization and gathering on the forces freed by the cut of the intervention.<<
Pia Euro
is a visual artist and university lecturer in Aalto ARTS’ ViCCA. >> I am visual artist graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki. My main interest as an artist is to study the very thin line that divides art from something we can think of not being art….I am very curious to find new ways to present art, and cross disciplinary practice is my thing. I work with various methods and mediums – from video installations to material and spatial installations, and performances, etc.<<
Tanja Kiiveri
is a visual artist and a lecturer of Time and Space Arts, at the Academy of Fine Arts in the University of the Arts Helsinki. She lives and works in Helsinki.
Niran Baibulat is a visual artist, based in Helsinki, working in installations and environmental works. She investigates an embodied approach to place and is interested in using the body as an instrument.
Miina Hujala is an artist and a curator that currently works as the director of Alkovi art space as well as curates the Connecting Points- programme at residency organization HIAP (Helsinki International Artist Programme).
Vincent Roumagnac, DATA OCEAN THEATRE/GOBOS (Simulated)
Vincent Roumagnac is a French-Basque theatre artist and researcher based in Helsinki. Interested in the way the notion and the practice of the “stage” evolve through climate-morphing and techno-conditioning, Roumagnac’s work materializes through multiple forms such as installations, performances, and videoscenic acts. Roumagnac is currently undergoing a postdoctoral research titled DATA OCEAN THEATRE as a visiting researcher at Tutke Performing Arts Research Centre Uniarts Helsinki. The artistic research is supported by Kone Foundation.
Denise Ziegler, born in Switzerland, is a Helsinki-based visual artist and researcher of public space. Currentlyworking as a postdoctoral researcher at the Academy of Fine Arts, University of the Arts Helsinki. Ziegler’s interventional artworks pose questions to public infrastructure, to walls, fences, buildings and pedestrian routes. In a post-beuysian vein, the artist’s workshop is extended to public space in order to work with its mechanisms and possibilities. Contact: